10-Rules is an easy to learn 30-minute online program that helps students to understand the do’s and don’ts of working in the information age.
10-Rules is an easy to learn 30-minute online program that helps students to understand the do’s and don’ts of working in the information age.
Rule #1 stresses the importance of using any company-issued computer-based technology only as authorized. Treats and vulnerabilities highlighted in this Rule include the theft and loss of computers, as well as allowing colleagues, clients, friends or family to use them.
Rule #2 examines various ways of safeguarding computer-based technologies. This Rule highlights various threats including: Trojan Horses, Worms, Time Bombs, and Logic Bombs. Naturally, the importance of keeping one’s computer safe is stressed, as well.
Rule #3 explores how personal information is gathered and compiled. This Rule focuses on the responsibility of employees to keep the private and personal information about their company’s clients safe.
Rule #4 discusses one of the most prolific problems having to do with computers and Internet use; namely, software piracy. This Rule distinguished between Direct and Indirect types of infringement and answers 5 of the most important questions about piracy.
Since it is so easy to collect information for reports and presentations from the Internet, Rule #5 focuses on the intellectual property rights of authors and media producers. This Rule also points out the hefty fines that can be levied if permission for use is not obtained.